read this before you read the stories.

hi everyone, I am glad that you're here thank you for visiting my account. by the way if you are planning to read my stories i just want to let you know that i am not very good at english so do not expect me to have a good grammar and please, don't judge me and laugh at my mistakes because i am still learning but i will do my best so you can understand what am i saying(or typing).

so the main reason why i decided to make a stories is not because i want to be famous or what but it's because i only want to share with you what's on my mind. :)) please bare with me.

an author once said "don't be a writer,be writing" - william faulkner and that's now what am i doing.

[stand alone]
- My annoying neighbouhood

thanks for reading sunshines! :))
  • انضمJuly 25, 2020


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