
Hey guys sorry been forever, but I have been packing and moving and I just started college so everything has been crazy.  I'm am writing right now so hopefully something will be up soon.


SO this new computer is making me ultimately angry.  I had the whole chapter typed out and I had a couple sentences left and I went to type and my thumb hit the mouse pad and made the whole text highlight and then it deleted.  it all deleted.  I am so mad.  I cannot type on this computer anymore.  So next week I will try and completely upload. I'm sorry it is taking so long but this has happened to me twice and its really making e upset.  I will get it up as soon as possible.  Sorry.


Hey updating might take a bit, I actually had most of the chapter written and was about to publish but then my computer freaked out on me and exited from the page and I lost everything.  I was so mad at my computer I was tempted to throw it on the ground but then I would have to pay for another one, so I closed it and walked away.  I will start writing the chapter soon because I have free time now for the next couple weeks. I am hoping by the end of the week I will have chapter 21 up.  Sorry about the delay but it will be up soon.  Have a fantastic day! -Smexyelmo