
Hello loves! Surprise! I’m back! How are all of you? I am excited to be back. New stories coming soon...? Life updates...? I’ll let you know soon ❤️ in the mean time, Happy thanksgiving! 


Hey guys.
          I have sad news.
          I will be deactivating this account on wattpad. This is not just something that popped up out of the blue. This app has taken so much time from my faith, and from my everyday life, which is not pleasing the Lord. I have been praying about this for a long time, and actually, I have been ignoring God telling me that this isn't right for me because of how much I am growing on this app. I hope you all understand and I will miss you all very very much. If you ever need to talk my email is emalynn26@gmail.com
          So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
          1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV
          Keep your head high princess, or the crown slips. 


@emalynnchristine I'm sorry to hear that, but I can certainly understand. I admire you for your resolution to keep seeking God! ;)


I’ll miss you, but I completely understand. I can’t thank you enough for the support for my writing on Wattpad I’ve gotten from you! ❤️


@emalynnchristine oh man....I'm sad to see you go, but I understand. Keep in touch, so I can find out the outcome of your crush, okay? :) Thanks for being so supportive


In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.
          Romans 8:26 
          •The world is a sinful, dark place, but we are called to be the light. Sometimes, we don't know what to pray for or how to ask for help when we are in our darkest spots. Sometimes it's even hard to admit that we are weak, because we feel the need to keep a strong image. But God. 
          Just thing about that. 
          But God. 
          God can do anything in your life, why don't you trust him? He listens to your broken prayers, and picks you up and carries you. But God! 
          Only God can turn a mess into a message! Don't you trust that he will get you through this storm? 
          But God. 


@emalynnchristine Thanks for sharing! This is a good reminder for us all. :)


@emalynnchristine I was just thinking about that this morning


Well, I'm one away from 200! Thank you all for this opportunity to share Christ's love and to get to know so many of you! You are all my best friends, and are always here when I have a tough day. Happy national best friend day to all of you. I'm not going to pick certain people, because you are all lovely and amazing in my eyes ❤ have a blessed night, emalynn.


Guys check out my new book! She is Strong! I don't really know what kind of book it is, but it is kind of my story of being broke and becoming strong! I hope you all vote and like it! 
          Summer is here!!! 
          Have a nice night loves!