
Hi I was wondering if you were gonna update your awesome story, I haven’t read a good Titanfall book until I saw your’s!


Yes please I just started reading your story and I really like it


Hey Coyote! Thank you for your interest in my story :) I honestly was wondering whether or not I should continue A Titan’s Heart due to having started it so long ago. However, I think what I’m going to do is try and revamp the story and then continue it on a (hopefully) regular basis. I know this is very late and that it’s been years for some of my readers, but I hope you still have interest in seeing Kyna’s story to completion! Thank you for reading


I don’t know what I’ll do if I don’t read the end of this story, please update it.


@Canniesteagle yay new part semi confirmed


Thank you for reading! I am currently working on the next chapter. However, do to my other responsibilities, I haven't been able to maintain a proper writing schedule. I apologize for making you wait!


When do you think you'll update your story again? It's really one of the better ones on this website and deserves the attention it's being deprived of in my opinion. 


I'm glad you think that! I should be updating the story again very soon, actually. It's a shame that I can't keep a consistent schedule in updating but I am very busy. However, I'm so glad you are enjoying the story! Thank you for reading ^^