
Happy Pride Month :3


since november  i am feeling both better and worse at the same time my mentally health has improved drastically but school is horrific with the workload but i am trying to keep my books updated whilst also struggling to keep my work for school where it is meant to be
          ily :3


I need people's help with how to get the girl i am not sure if i should have Wil and Jamie date or instead just have them have a platonic sibling like relationship if you are following along with the story please tell me what you would like to see because i can see it going either way. 
          I love you guys :3


Everyone who was enjoying how to get the girl, I was not happy with the beginning of it so I am going to rewrite the beginning . The chapters I have already written will be published but not until I have reached that point in the series. 
          I love you guys <3 :3


For those who are enjoying reading my stories I am so sorry for the inconsistent updates lately. My mental health has not been the best for a while but now that I am starting to feel a bit better I will try and update more frequently. 
          I luv u guys :3