
AAYF is updated! Go check it out and comment! It's REALLY long... I'm exhausted ;p


Wow. Working on editing a chapter of AAYF and honestly have no clue what I was thinking when I wrote it. There is so much drama! Haha! Anyways, hoping to get it out soon. Chapter 13 is a bit longer than others, so it may be awhile, plus I'm way too tired to finish tonight. But I also wanted to say how silly and adorable Brownie/Arabian is! He's so awkward it hurts, but it's cute at the same time. Anyways, gnight everyone. Updating again soon.


Hi Everyone! Wow! It's been a while! Sorry! I recently decided to come back for a bit an try to finish editing As a Young Foal so you all can finish reading it. I also felt the motivation to start a new book with random pieces of my writing. I think I'll be calling it "Bits and Pieces." There's a better explanation as to why it's been so long in chapter 12 of AAYF! So go check that out and answer the QOTD! Missed you guys!


As A Young Foal updated! Yay! Sorry for not updating, hopefully I will be able to update more often. Also new story coming soon! Yay! 
          Anyways, go read the new chapter, NOW!!!!!!
          Hehe, sorry about that, ok signing off.


Ok, guys, I've been a bit on writers block for Just a Wall, and haven't had time to edit As a Young Foal. I'm feeling a bit discouraged tho, so plz let me know if you are enjoying my books, and if so I will try to update both more often. Thx for reading! :)


I really enjoy ur books