
Hello, I'm alive! I'm so sorry that I've been completely MIA the past few weeks, but with Christmas and everything I just completely blanked. I promise I will update my stories soon, please bear with me! Thank you for being so patient :)


I know it's been a while and you might not still be active on your account, but I was wondering if I could copy down your description of Chronophobia for a book I'm writing about some good stories people should checkout. Just wondering because I'm not sure if that's included in the "All Rights Reserved" thing.


Hello, I'm alive! I'm so sorry that I've been completely MIA the past few weeks, but with Christmas and everything I just completely blanked. I promise I will update my stories soon, please bear with me! Thank you for being so patient :)


Hello, I'm alive! I'm so sorry that I've been completely MIA the past few weeks, but with Christmas and everything I just completely blanked. I promise I will update my stories soon, please bear with me! Thank you for being so patient :)