
Happy new year to everyone! 
          	May this year be nothing but amazing. May this year, be your year. I hope you achieve everything you want to achieve. Happy new year


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Hey @emilyM7411! Love your Dylan O’Brien imagines.
          Idk if you’re still taking requests or not, but I have a request:
          So y/n is best friends with Stiles. All week, Stiles has been ignoring and avoiding her at all costs. She’s been doing the same thing, but decides to confront him about it. So on Saturday and the sheriff isn’t home due to working a night shift. She goes to his house. 
          (The reason Stiles has been ignoring and avoiding her is because he has feelings for her, but doesn’t want to ruin their friendship. Stiles doesn’t know that y/n has feelings for him). 
          They start talking, which turns into yelling at each other from anger, which turns into a heavy make out (things are falling to the floor (lamps, pictures, chairs, etc)). As they’re making out, they start to move upstairs to his bedroom. Once they get to his bedroom, the make out becomes more intense, which leads to rough smut. 
          At the end, Stiles says “so you like me?” and y/n sarcastically says “no. I just fucked you cause I hate you” or something else that’s sarcastic. 
          When they go downstairs, Scott and Derek are standing at the bottom of the stairs with their jaws dropped and shocked expressions on their faces. Y/n asks “what?” and Derek responds with “I didn’t think you were the type to like rough sex”. 
          *Side note: for inspiration for this request I was listening to Break My Body by New Years Day and Hatefuck by Motionless In White 


@emilyM7411 Okay thank u! And you’re welcome


@Obsession_With_BVB hey 
            I'll try to write it in the next few weeks!! Thanks for the request ❤️


hey.... could you please write another chapter about Mitch Rapp... 


@Gwen_260 could you please make it that y/n got hurt or something like that..... and please make it longer 


@Gwen_260 thanks so much.... you're the best 


Hi! Are you still taking requests?


@DauntlessA5Newtmas i can absolutely do that! 
            Thank you so much, i appreciate it so much <3


@DauntlessA5Newtmas okay, so can you do a one shot where it's super angsty and dylan and y/n have both been super busy and haven't seen each other and y/ns  been overworking herself and one day dyalns home and notices and they become closer and spend more time together no matter what. Let me know! Thank you! Also I love your writing!


anyways, another request cause i love giving requests. 
          the reader's been getting sick for a few days but dylan doesn't know that since he's in atlanta filming a movie. 
          one day, dylan decides to come home and surprise y/n. but then he sees her over the toilet throwing up. he gets really worried. she says that she only has the fever and that she's fine. but right after she says that she's fine, she faints. (after she faints, can it be in dylan's pov?)
          dylan got worried so he took her to the hospital. there, the doctor says that she's pregnant. he gets really excited and after y/n wakes up, he tells her that she's pregnant.


@wh0syn4h holy crap, you just wrote a hole story yea sure, i'll try to finish it up tomorrow and then i'll also start on pt.2 of your other request
            Imma @you at the end to...if that's okay