I just finished reading your book Broken train and veins and I must say I loved it.
Oh its so beautiful. Reading this story made me so happy.
You have done an amazing work.
Hey author!
I just read to guy with a gray sweater, and I am in love with it!
That's the cutest novel I have ever read!
And the cuteness with he had, do I need to state that? Cause I can never say how much cute you have described him!
Keep writing dear.
Much love.
So I read "The boy with the grey sweater" and knowing that this was (truly) something that happened to you I..... you're amazing! I could never express myself as beautifully you expressed yourself and your emotions!
I just loved it and I finished reading "The boy with the grey sweater" when I was walking. The whole time I couldn't keep my eyes away from your writing, tbh I got hit by branches because of this but I just couldn't pull myself away!
Hope you're doing well
Just wanted you to know that you're beautiful! And your stories are amazing! I'm going to start "for the guy with the grey sweater" now and I am so excited! It's gonna be amazing ❤️