I can't even believe I'm saying this, but Fate is finally done! The last chapter was just posted. Don't you worry, Serendipity is underway and I already have almost 10 chapters written for that. Please, give Fate a read and a vote if you feel like it, otherwise thank you all so much for giving my writing a chance and loving the book. It's my weird little love child that I can't seem to stop writing and I am so happy this was a successful venture (though I think Serendipity is probably going to be better, seeing as my writing is heaps and bounds from where it was). Thank you again, everyone. ♥
i'm thinking one more chapter before fate is over! I can't believe this! But you'll be pleased to know that I'm working on a second book, a sequel to this. It's called Serendipity, and I can't wait for you guys to read what I've already written! for now, give Fate a vote or two and share it with people who might enjoy. I'm 800 reads away from 18k which is INSANE! Thank you all for the love on this and I appreciate you all.
Another update! September and October were absolutely bonkers for me and I'm sorry it's late. I think I'll be wrapping Fate up soon, with ideas for a second book! Thank you for reading and for all the continued support. Let me know what you think!
SORRY, it's so late my life is a mess right now but I updated Fate with Chapter 66! I think I might be done soon...? EXCITING! give me a vote, a comment, anything works for me! Just knowing you guys like my story and spend time reading even one chapter really makes me feel incredible, and I'm glad I started writing again.
alright babies, next part is upppp! i've been majorly busy these last few weeks and haven't had time to catch up, so this one shall do for now! vote, comment, follow, share, all that jazz, and thank you for the generous support I receive <3 you all mean so much to me.
chapter 64 is up, and she's a long one! lemme know your thoughts, comment, vote, etc if you are feeling generous, and again, as always, thank you for your constant support with my story. <3
next chapter has been posted, everyone! give it a read, a vote. a comment if you feel so inclined, lemme know what you think. thank you for the constant support, as always. <3
The next chapter is posted, and I thought the cover needed a nice, pretty update. More official, and has my official name I go by as a writer. I hope you guys like it, and let me know what you think! Both of the chapter, and of the cover. Thanks again for sticking with me. <3