
oops, sorry i've been absent forever... life is weird. BUT i just put out two more chapters of Serendipity because y'all deserve it <3


I can't even believe I'm saying this, but Fate is finally done! The last chapter was just posted. Don't you worry, Serendipity is underway and I already have almost 10 chapters written for that. Please, give Fate a read and a vote if you feel like it, otherwise thank you all so much for giving my writing a chance and loving the book. It's my weird little love child that I can't seem to stop writing and I am so happy this was a successful venture (though I think Serendipity is probably going to be better, seeing as my writing is heaps and bounds from where it was). Thank you again, everyone. ♥


i'm thinking one more chapter before fate is over! I can't believe this! But you'll be pleased to know that I'm working on a second book, a sequel to this. It's called Serendipity, and I can't wait for you guys to read what I've already written! for now, give Fate a vote or two and share it with people who might enjoy. I'm 800 reads away from 18k which is INSANE! Thank you all for the love on this and I appreciate you all. 


The next chapter is posted, and I thought the cover needed a nice, pretty update. More official, and has my official name I go by as a writer. I hope you guys like it, and let me know what you think! Both of the chapter, and of the cover. Thanks again for sticking with me. <3