Hey Emily! How are you?
I would just like to let you know that I have updated Head Bitches and Escape. Please read them!...if you want to of course! =)
Hey Emily!!!
Even though you aren't my fan, I noticed you were momokittys and I write the other POV to The GWG Novel. And also you commented positively on Jungle Fever. And two out of tree aint bad. But yea all my stories have new chapters all my stories. Comment if you read. Vote if you liked. Fan, Tweet, and Liked if you loved.
@ashleighh Helloo =]. Why thank you! Yess it is me =] that's sweet thanks so much! I'm just about to reply to your comments on my story, but wanted to thank you (again!) for offering to read my work and becoming a fan!! Means a lot x
Hey ! You seem pretty cool & if that is you in your profile pic,, you are oh so pretty ! Sooo, i reckon i should give your stories a try (: Just wondering which one you would recommend ! Otherwise, i will read 'The Teenage Rose'. x
Wow, I have to say that I've only so far read "Droplets in the Drought" but I'll defiantely check out your other works. I just had to come to your page to fan you and let you know how I felt about your writing. Just love it.
Hey, i read your teenage rose and i really like it, you should write some more... You said you would repay the favour, will you please read and comment on my story 'the perfect life... Yeah i wish' Pleas please PLEEEAAASSSEEE! :) thanx Xxx