
I have finished and posted chapter two of my spamano fic. You can find it on archive of our own and read it right now.


@emiotakuyo あ、エミリーちゃん! ur back yaaay


Announcement: I will be continuing my spamano fic on archive of our own, so this account is probably going to be abandoned. Sincerest apologies. On a higher note, I will be updating it, so you fans who I have have been kept waiting ( a very long time too) can continue to read it by finding me on AO3 with the name JunipersHollow.  Again, I am so, so sorry.


Ok so this is a list of my Hetalia Shippings and OTPs >3<
          Spamano,Hongice,Gerita,EstLat,Aushun,UsUk,IggyPan,Ameripan,Giripan,RuPru,PrussiaxAustria,Austriaxswitzerland,Caname,GreecexTurkey,Itacest,Germancest,RussiaxLatvia,LithuaniaxRussia,All Asians together(lol),Sufin,Dennor,NorwayxIceland,Prumano,SwedenxDenmark,NetherlandsxBelgium,FrancexSpain, Franida,AustraliaxNewzealand,ItalyxJapan,PrussiaxFemPrussia(Forever alone ;3),SealandxLatvia,FemFruk(sry I just can't ship regular Fruk it conflicts with UsUk),PolandxLithuania, And of course I ship the fem versions of all of these as well ^ ^ *Faints from lack of air*