Dear my beautiful followers.
For months, I've been trying to write a chapter for this story. Many many weeks have been put into a first chapter.
But I've got nothing.
I love you all so much and I love the faith you have in me, but my ideas for this story are all dried up. I do not feel Don't Stop needs a sequel.
I loved writing that book. It was the first thing I wrote that anyone truly liked. It was a fun story just to mess around with and to experiment my writing abilities with.
But it doesn't need a sequel.
I know a lot of you will be upset, and I'm sorry. I'm not going to stress myself about putting out shitty chapters of a book I don't have any ideas for.
But I will give someone else the writes to it. If any of you would enjoy continuing the story of Smash, Dr.Fluke, CalPal and Mike-Ro-Wave for me, I'd love that.
Just. Please don't do anything crazy with it. Please keep Stella and Toby if you want, please keep Lydia, Kat, AJ, and Mally, write them in somehow. If you NEED to get rid of them, please make it logical.
I poured lots of time into Don't Stop. Many long days and sleepless nights of nothing but typing and thinking at my computer.
But this is the end. With me as your author anyway.
I love you all so much. And I'm sorry once again.
But let's the adventures of Cal Pal, Smash, Mike-Ro-Wave, and Dr.Fluke always continue.