Hi, i was wondering if anybody could help me find the name of a book i started. Because im an idiot I didn't look at the name of the cover of the book (I just started reading it, as you do) and you think that's bad enough by then swiped off the app without adding the book to my library!
So now I have no idea what book I started. I've tried looking for it and I've gone through what feels like hundreds of books trying to find it but have had no luck. I dont even vote on it or make a comment so its not on my profile history either.
My last hope and I mean im getting desperate here this is starting to really bug me is that somebody else and knows what I'm talking about.
It was a retelling of Red Riding Hood where the Red Riding Hood character likes to poison people especially with homemade treats, she's head of the royal guard and she looks after the safety of the Prince but is disliked due to having red hair which is seen as asign of death. She's obsessed with anything cute.
The wolf character is a164 (i think) years old because every 7 human years is one wolf year. He's the Alpha of the Pack but instantly sees so Red Riding Hood character as his mate (to which she tells him to go die).
If anybody has any clue to which book it maybe please message me or if you need to ask any questions.
Thank you.