


hi guys i just wanted to come up here and talk about a very important situation. There is a man named Marcellus Williams who is going to be wrongfully executed on September 24th
          2024. He is being accused of murdering Felicia Gayle back in the 1990s. But there is literally evidence proving that he was not there that night when she was killed. His DNA doesn't even match up. Here is a cite from an article. "Marcellus Williams is scheduled to be executed on Sept. 24 for a crime DNA proves he did not commit. The St. Louis County prosecuting attorney reviewed these DNA results and filed a motion to vacate Mr.
          Williams' conviction because he believed the DNA results proved by clear and convincing evidence that Mr. Williams did not commit this crime. Although the circuit court has not yet scheduled a hearing to address this motion - and no court has ever considered the new exculpatory evidence - the Missouri Supreme Court set an execution date for Mr.
          Williams." Please in order to prevent this injustice text
          MARCELLUS to 97016 and it will give you directions to a website for his petition. Help us save this innocent man from death.


I know sadly he’s already been wrongfully executed but it’s disgusting that they went through with it Felicia’s family said they didn’t want him executed and the court even said after why would we did that like what why was they not thinking about that before they executed him?


Could you write a chapter in the jade Norman book? Like, you and Henry go on a date but Ray has to ruin it. We walk off because he has like, crashed your dates before. So then Henry can make it up to you. You can That part :) I didn’t know where else to message you so yeah! Thanks