sorry for the kinda crappy update. the beginning of that has been sitting in my works for a while and i just finished it. im really gonna try to post more though i promise
sorry for the kinda crappy update. the beginning of that has been sitting in my works for a while and i just finished it. im really gonna try to post more though i promise
Hi guys, im so super sorry i haven't posted anything in forever. I went straight from water polo season to swim season and its just been really crazy and hectic. Im gonna try to work on a bunch of stuff during spring break (like a week and a half) and the hopefully get past a block and be churning out a lot more stuff!
Alright just a heads up the next chapter is coming soon, but it may take a while because it's going to be pretty long. I may split it into two parts, i don't know
ohhhhhh you guys are going to hate meeeee (and p.s. the chapter is either going to be up today/tomorrow, or next week if i dont finish it before i leave for camp on saturday)
@InsanityTheKillJoy aww you're so sweet. i just don't really have an idea for another story yet, i was hoping I'd come up with another one before redesign me ended, but if you have any i'd love to hear them