My heart hurts as I'm writing this I knew this was gonna happen soon but I just didn't realise how soon. R.I.P. Stan Lee you will be greatly missed. I've been a fan of marvel my whole life I have seen all the movies and waited for his cameo in every single one and I never left the theater until the movie was finished. When I saw this morning that he died I literally started crying in my car. I will severely miss you Stan fly hight man
@cheer4lifeibackspot yeah she turned 21 in November and she's so pretty. She looks like she would be one of those B@$ #y girls bit she is so kind it's not even funny whenever she sees me the first the says is heey with the biggest smile on her face.
My heart hurts as I'm writing this I knew this was gonna happen soon but I just didn't realise how soon. R.I.P. Stan Lee you will be greatly missed. I've been a fan of marvel my whole life I have seen all the movies and waited for his cameo in every single one and I never left the theater until the movie was finished. When I saw this morning that he died I literally started crying in my car. I will severely miss you Stan fly hight man
Yes thank you Cheer is totally a sport. Omg can't tell you how many guys at my school tell me it's not everyday. Like I don't even think they could handle the conditioning and work outs for one day.
@-honeybun right like omg one day a couple of the guys on the football team started saying stuff about how it's not a sport and all of us in the team were like do you want to come in here and stunt or tumble and all that stuff and he just walked away and we all just started laughing and saying stuff like yeah that's what I thought