
its too late


Rob, people who don't know you didn't know how wonderful you were.
          I miss you and I want to be with you.
          I think about you even when I was in the hospital. 
          All I thought of was the first time you tried to commit.
          I miss you so much.
          It hurts.
          I will never stop loving you even though you were only my friend for a short while.
          Switch with me.
          I will give you my infinity! 
          Just please come back :'(


@emo_rocker23 I hope that you are in a better place now. I love you and I couldn't stop you, I know. I'm sorry that it had to end this way. I'm sorry for anything wrong that I have done to you or said. None of the matters any more. You said you didn't want to hurt anyone anymore, but this hurts more than anything that you could have done. I'm sorry you only got 15 years. I wish you could have had decades more. Just know that we love you. All of us.