I'm so sorry to everyone that reads my books. I'm super sorry but I have studies/ school and boxing classes taking up most of time. I barely have time and even on the weekends because of me studying for my weekly tests and things like that.
I'll try my best to do be on here more. It's just really school and boxing classes that all ready takes up most of my time. I only have three hours to myself. I have chores, homework, helping with cooking, helping my sister with homework, and my long one hour showers.
I'm super sorry my lights. I have stuff going on and plus middle school is way harder than I thought. I have all PAP (Pre-Advance Placement) classes. So I'm doing seventh grade things, sort of, in sixth grade, so I have more things than regular classes.
I'm very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very sorry for how I'm inactive I am on Wattpad. Even though I don't have many people following me I still feel like I have a billion. You lights mean a lot to me.
Thanks so much for taking the time to read this.
I hope this clears most of it up, if not just pm me.
Goodbye for now my lights,
Shadow OUT