
@cheetoz19 DUDE no fair!!!  HES MINE!! We'll talking about this at schooL!!


HEYZ CHIKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAT IS UP??????? dude..... i really want a pickle.... maybe a dancing one.... OH BUT WHAT IF IT TRIED TO KILL US ALONG WITH THE EVIL BUNNIES WITH BARBIE AS THEIR LEADER AND KEN AS THEIR CO ONE!!!!!! i'm tired yet hyper yet blah.... *poke...poke... poke... poke... poke...POKE* I"MMA CALL RYAN AND JUSTIN AND CHAZ AND CHRISTIAN AND NCIS AND CSI: MIAMI AND WOWP AND SHAKE IT UP AND ICARLY AND ALL THEM FOR BACK UP!!!!!!!! dude, c u at skool!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i still win :P HA!!!


hey! i love your background! lol its so pretty and it suits your name! :P anyways, i was wondering if you could check out my story License to Steal...Your Heart? it would really mean a lot to me if you could and maybe vote or fan? thanks for your time,
          -Watermelonsushi :)
          ps. i really like your display picture!! :)