Hello Hannah,
I'm Jo and I'm one of the Ambassadors here. My goal's to make your life a little easier and to show you around! ;)
If you're interested in finding a specific kind of story then the best way's to click on the "Discover" button! There you can browse stories by category, popularity or based on which one was most recently uploaded!
There are two main Lists on wattpad!
The What Hot List and the What New List!
The first one shows the most popular stories. The second one shows the stories that have been recently uploaded! -Do take a look at them. You'll find interesting stuff...
Right now, I can't think of something else to explain... so, if you come up with questions and stuff, please do not ever hesitate to stop by my page and ask! Will always respond.
Cheers Jo
PS- hope you enjoy yourself around, please note that Wattpad's that great that gets a little addictive! ;)
Welcome to the New World Neo (Matrix and Star Wars References always work!)