@emovamp12 honey it doesn't matter.You shouldn't give up on writing just because you're lacking inspiration.It happens to the best of us.You keep writing because you love to write and want to.
Inspiration will strike soon,trust me :)
If you still want to delete the acount then it's your decision but if you keep it on then you'll have a place to share your creativity and talent with others.Take this time to brush up on soem reading if you're finding yourself at a loss for word.sIT'll help you with your talent and you might get some ideas too.
On a side note this may sound rude but for some reason wattpad isn't letting me vote,probably a glitch.I'll be back to vote for everything I've read.I promise :D Keep writing because you're good at it.I'd kill to write even half a decent poem as good as you,I suck so low at rhyming and poetry altogether it's not even funny,lol or maybe it is.
Have a great day hon.