/ idk what it is about southern gothic or going into the dynamics with people within a neighborhood / town but it’s so fun to me. i like word of mouth lore, where it’s like a big game of telephone where a story gets retold and retold and people end up creating their own myths and they create something so far from the truth but they still choose to believe it due to superstition or something else. also thinking about the differences between religion and the belief in the supernatural and how they intersect (and what people consider “devil like” or “dark” when it’s something they personally don’t understand)

/ / it’s true! thank you omg but yours as they are literally catch me all the time i love them. you have an entire army omg felt that though some are in the vault!! what happened to vanasha.. like .. how did she die. thinking about how a theme here is the same people who call other people monsters are ACTUALLY the real monsters, and there’s a question of what makes a monster a monster. rita is forgiving but it is one of her major flaws bc you’re absolutely right— the thing about her gift of sight is that it allows her to see people for who they truly are, but apart from that her own nature sometimes go against it a little because she wants to believe that people are inherently good, and she always gives people her heart bc it’s who she is, but that gets her hurt many many times. vanasha is literally the only one rn who has seen or talked to her in years.