
so this is not really my main acc, and my writing kind of has improved from the joey × xornoth book, i struggle with xornoth's personality cause i still see him as a demon rather than human, so, i would like to un-publish the book.


@empiresSMP :c Too bad, I was getting excited to read more.


so this is not really my main acc, and my writing kind of has improved from the joey × xornoth book, i struggle with xornoth's personality cause i still see him as a demon rather than human, so, i would like to un-publish the book.


@empiresSMP :c Too bad, I was getting excited to read more.


Hello! I saw this while I was searching for some Empires SMP fanfics. I realized that there are not that many and I was planning to make an Empires SMP fanfic soon.
          If you are having a hard time finding ideas for your fanfics, try following the steps below here:
          1. Go to Youtube and watch videos about it. Watching other YouTubers' videos involving them and other empires interacting would give you some inspiration or ideas in what you could do.
          2. You could research in Google and look at some Empires SMP fanart about them.
          3. Plan out your fanfic by writing your ideas down in a notebook or a writing pad in your gadget. And if you don't have the motivation to write then try to relax. Maybe take a nice shower or listen to some music that fits perfectly with the fanfic that you are writing.
          The fanfic that I am working on is a work in progress but it involves Joey's Tiger Blood Prince and Lizzie's Axolotl Guard. (Please don't steal my idea)
          I hope you could find your inspiration soon.
          Don't overwork yourself. It's bad for your health. Trust me.


@YourShyWriter Okay! Just try not to get stress over it. Last time when I was stressing over writing, I kept on snapping at anyone who disturbs me. So, hopefully, take breaks sometimes ok?


@YourShyWriter yesyes TYSM, i already have an idea but I think it doesn't fit with their personality and it's kinda cringy.
            also I usually get story ideas from musics :D