@ryegurl Im sorry I know all of this ended but I couldn't help noticing your little comment about them not dating us, who cares if you're not a model you don't have to be a model to date then models are humans too a model can be literally any one anyone in the world can be a model, you don't have to be skinny because there are plus size models, everyone is beautiful in there own way, have you not seen there interviews when they say they would date a FAN F-A-N someone in this wonderful fandom models just have a higher chance because they're famous but we also have a chance! Now about the arzaylea book she is stating her opinion she is stating how she feels don't bring hate if you don't like reading hate books about arzaylea then.dont.read.it simple as that And learn this and memorize it If you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all you can reply if you want but don't be rude because I wasn't being rude to you thank you