If you believe “all lives matter” please unfollow me

@135EVIE I have no idea why people are against the BLM movement. Some are just plain racist so obviously they would support it. Some believe “all lives matter” which is actively trying to misdirect the attention from whom the protest were originally for, and some are just taking advantage of the protests and looting shops for heir own personal agenda and gain. Which is causing a lot of the peaceful protesters’ to be attacked & harassed by police. I have no opinion on whether looting & rioting is good/or bad but it’s the only form of protest people are paying attention to. All I know is that no one was listening to the BLM movement when everyone was doing their peaceful approach

@emqress There are riots in my town/county right now. It's terrifying... we live near a busy road and I can hear sirens right now. Police and stuff. I believe Black Lives Matter definitely. Why are people against it? Humans are truly the scum of the Earth. I wish everything were simpler. I'm really scared someone's gonna break in!

@135EVIE yes all lives do matter, but the “all lives matter” movement is there to protest AGAINST black lives matter. It’s like having one burning building in a neighbourhood. Would you put water on all the buildings or the one on fire? Black people are disproportionately affected by police violence that’s why the focus is on them. BLM just means black lives should matter like everyone else’s. We already know white people matter, there doesn’t need to be a movement for that. Thanks for asking nicely.