
Good news everyone! If you’re waiting for that LONG overdue update of ‘The Blood Daughter’, then you don’t have much longer to wait! I’m almost finished writing the last 3 chapters! 


@ems_writes still waiting...


@ems_writes hola, los espero con ansias


Good news everyone! If you’re waiting for that LONG overdue update of ‘The Blood Daughter’, then you don’t have much longer to wait! I’m almost finished writing the last 3 chapters! 


@ems_writes still waiting...


@ems_writes hola, los espero con ansias


Hi everyone, 
          If you’re following the Show No Mercy rewrite or The Blood Daughter, updating is post-poned for awhile. 
          I’m going through a break up with my partner of 2 years so I find it really hard to write romance. Bear with me through this time, your support is the world to me.
          Emily x


@little_emmi huh, she marries Damian in Kingdom Come.  How bout that. 


@little_emmi It's a gr8 story ❤️. i didnt even know Damian & her had a thing; or is that only here? i heart Damien - he's my Robin if I had to choose. & He does save the day, by doing what needs to be done. Mar'i isnt the literal grand daughter of Batman tho hey? I dont know the Injustice2 timeline well enough to be sure. But given who her parents are, i guess it is close enough either way =).
            Oh...& obvi it sucks about you & your boy. Even if you broke up w/him: it always still sucks </3. I couldnt not mention it. 
            I know I didnt ever quite make it as far as your first house post here, & i know none of the stories & fights leading up - but if you want some1 to talk to outside of your immediate world, i can be that ^_^/. 
            Just txt if you still have my cell, or DM me on FB (i do get to them eventually >>).
            I know you have plenty of friends, but i just wanted that said ^^. Stay frosty. 