Guysss heyyy It's me Emshadymarsh aka Toni I wanted to tell y'all that I'm going to write a rant book (at least i want to) about my problems and stuff and y'all would like comment on like what I should do and stuff like that is that ok
Hello my fellow followers its emshadymarsh here aka Toni. Im going to be writing 1 more chapter and Im going to be taking a break the last chapter is going to be in Hi my name is Marshall there has a lot going on in my life right now and Im taking a little break I also feel like you guys dont like my books at all some dont vote or comment or help me with ideas when i ask for them i feel really unappreciated and in the situation im in right now is not helping me at all i know i will be back befofe Valentines day but i need some alone time
To my fellow followers please do me a huge favor my lovely friend here just posted a knew book and so far it is amazing can you guess please please please go read it I think you guess will love it and will have fun to where this journey will take us