
can anyone write a smut chapter for one of my books please


I'm sorry if I already texted you they deleted private messages so I'm gonna say it again and if you already said no I forgot so I don't know if I already texted you or not because I don't have a great memory so don't get mad so if I did already text you tell me if you said yes or no nicely I love your stories can you make Kacey Barry x Gabriella Wark and Kacey Berry gxg stories where Kacey is g!p and Amy Porter gxg stories where Amy is g!p and follow me please the g!p is if you want to try something new it's always good to try something new can you do kacey first and follow me please i followed to much people so it won't let me follow anyone


Hey I'm sorry for what I said I was just being a goofball. I understand that you could run out of ideas. I wouldn't mind her getting pregnant, but I just seeing all of the books on this platform. For any ideas I would suggest Taylor and her soulmates going on a topical vacation. Or Taylor becoming a nurse and working alongside Carlisle.