
sorry for the spelling mistakes man


'm just gonna be gone for a little while I'm dealing with some stuff my dad threatened me with living with my "crazy mom"  and he punched my door and said he doesn't have problems with this all started because I sighed because he said to clean my room and he said it hurt his feeling and I was being disrespectful you might not see me for a while because this poop bag is insane and prob not right in the head I might be moving with my mom but the worst case is he takes away everything he bought and tells me to figure it out im packing as we speak because I'm not staying here  and I'm no angel but I'm not a butthole for no reason I sighed and said id do it and I was frustrated and i "slamed my door" but my door needs a new door handle because at the slightes touch my door opens my dog can even open my door and get into my room and I have my window open becuase it's hot and my fan broke  so even the wind can open my door so it got some wind behind the "slam" it wasent my plan to slam the door just close it so could cool down then talk with him i just wanted to ask am i the butthole in this fight and i was getting to clean my room i just do 50 unimportant things first then forget then do more things then i just dont do it this is not  for it but he told me to f myself and told me to f off because i started to raise my voice and my brothers have autism so they dont stand up for themselves or they do in weird ways that dont get the point across but yeah am i in the wrong im  a gonna kiss his ass just how he likes or not talk to him ever again because he tries to make me laugh after a fight and it works i hate him for that and im sick of this really he decides if he can be mad at something or not in this house so if your man at my siblings you can be because he doesnt wanna hear it he always uses the im the man of the this house but goes around punching and throwing random stuff and he likes  grabbing people by the shirt a making people faint around here so


Hello everybody I'm back again and I just want to say that I got my account back from myself after a year so I was 11 when I made this account and I'm turning 15 soon so i am gonna try and be more active and I really like writing so I'm gonna start reworking this whole account I understand if this is not what you signed up for so feel free to unfollow im gonna start by finishing  writing the one-shots and headcanons for my fnf book because the hype on that game has been long over and there have been no updates since (that I know of) so I hope you can understand my pov and not be so mad I will  be rewriting some of my chapters so if you want to go back and look at some there might be new stuff  and the stuff that I promised you like the youtube channel and other stuff is not happening  idk why 13 year old me promised you that sorry and yes my punctuation is not getting any better lmao


this message may be offensive
YALL so the reason why I haven't been online is that I lost my computer over break and then my school blocked Wattpad I almost shit myself in fear of losing all my progress and friends so if don't come online for a while again its because they blocked me again


I just want to let yall know don't kys please life may seem like it never will get better but try to look it through just a little longer there are lots to live for like traveling or buying a new car or house having a family or no family if you like it that way. Trying new foods and seeing new people I am prob just a random person online but I do care for others' lives. My life is so much better than it was a year ago. I may not know your personal life or how bad it is and I'm not a therapy expert but my dm's are always open to new and kind-hearted people everyone has their woe's but anyone who needs to vent, or just talk dm's are always open for EVERYONE!


When does winter break start for yall


Mine starts on the 20th and ends on the 6th :p


@ena_is_cute_lol when does yours start?


@ena_is_cute_lol  after this week ! so on the 17th :D


Hello, my friends, I am not dead I am just thinking about life I have played fnf almost in full am I'm slowly getting back into the fandom even tho I discontinue the book until my birthday I might do another chapter yes I'm all over the place trust me I know. :)