Cant you see me the way who i am? I am a human being too and i have a feeling of love. And i love you. I love you so freaking much but you never there and you dont care.
My life was sad
A freakingful sad life just to want you got the feeling back for me
I dont want anyone else
I couldnt
I couldnt have feelings for others again
My feelings are for you at all
You hurt me many times
But you never realize
Or you just ignore
I hurt
Hurt inside and out
But you
You hurt me again
And again
I dont have feelings for others
Secakep apapun dia sekaya apapun dia
I dont have feelings for anyone like what i have for you
7 tahun dan akan berjalan 8
Perasaan itu masih sama
Tiap kali denger kamu cerita ttg org yg lg deket sama kamu
Or you talking about marriage
It hurt me inside and out. And you dont care
Here i am
With all my feelings
For you
Here i am
The fool