Hope everyone’s having a great winter break! I got Pokémon Scarlet for Christmas and it’s super fun :D
Reading List
"I think you ought to know I'm feeling very depressed... Life, don't talk to me about life..." -Marvin, the Robot Hey all, it's been a minute! I'm back, lots has happened, and depression seems to have colonized my brain and is working on terraforming it, but I won't let it win! Good friends, a job I love, and getting back into the hobbies I love such as writing are beginning to help me combat this alien invasion! So do your part and plant a victory garden in your own brain backyard and do something today that makes you happy just because it makes you happy! *Inspirational patriotic music plays, as the flag waves in the background* - Seriously though, y'all be kind to yourselves, the world is tough enough as it is! I'm glad to be back, and I know for some of you after such a long wait reading about the families instead of the campers probably feels like a consolation prize. I started writing this story for myself though, and I'm going to continue writing this story for myself, and stick to the outline I wrote ages ago, because y'all, y'all, it's just, it gets me! Anywho we'll catch up with the kiddos soon, promise! Also this is "fresh off the press" content, probably has some grammatical errors here and there which my good friend Tiar has offered to edit later, and my writing style might be rusty and/or stale, if anything doesn't flow right, needs to be reworked, or just doesn't make sense, please let me know! Thank you for reading, I hope you liked it! RAWR ~ENBYsaurus
Hope everyone’s having a great winter break! I got Pokémon Scarlet for Christmas and it’s super fun :D
It’s been a bit, I hope you’re doing alright!! ❤️
"I think you ought to know I'm feeling very depressed... Life, don't talk to me about life..." -Marvin, the Robot Hey all, it's been a minute! I'm back, lots has happened, and depression seems to have colonized my brain and is working on terraforming it, but I won't let it win! Good friends, a job I love, and getting back into the hobbies I love such as writing are beginning to help me combat this alien invasion! So do your part and plant a victory garden in your own brain backyard and do something today that makes you happy just because it makes you happy! *Inspirational patriotic music plays, as the flag waves in the background* - Seriously though, y'all be kind to yourselves, the world is tough enough as it is! I'm glad to be back, and I know for some of you after such a long wait reading about the families instead of the campers probably feels like a consolation prize. I started writing this story for myself though, and I'm going to continue writing this story for myself, and stick to the outline I wrote ages ago, because y'all, y'all, it's just, it gets me! Anywho we'll catch up with the kiddos soon, promise! Also this is "fresh off the press" content, probably has some grammatical errors here and there which my good friend Tiar has offered to edit later, and my writing style might be rusty and/or stale, if anything doesn't flow right, needs to be reworked, or just doesn't make sense, please let me know! Thank you for reading, I hope you liked it! RAWR ~ENBYsaurus
Hi everyone, sorry, I forgot I could post messages like this! So, long story short life has been chaos for me for a while. My mom was hospitalized and I had to get a second job to help cover expenses, all while caring for my three youngest siblings. Our mom is home now, but she still needs some intensive caregiving, so I've added that to the equation and subtracted a couple hours of sleep lol! We're finally settling into a routine, the kids are being amazing, and I'm starting to get some downtime! I am still working on Unboxed the next chapter is completely outlined and the first draft is in the works so don't worry more is on its way! I also started a new story The Sands of Time after watching Encanto with my siblings, it's like my favorite right now! I only plan for it to be three chapters long so if you're interested in a light read you can check it out! Thank you for all your patience and understanding, love y'all!
I’m soso sorry that happened to you, and glad your Mom is recovering- I’m sure she’ll have made a full recovery soon!! Take as long as you need for the next Unboxed chapter!
Just me realizing that the Campers totally have corresponding ponies within the Mane Six from MLP! Darius = Twilight: Reluctant leader, obsessively smart about a particular area of interest. Brooklynn = Rarity: Vain and overly concerned with the opinions of others and fame, good generous heart underneath it, and (in my take) battles with food. Seriously I know eating ice cream when you're sad is a trope but that is always Rarities go to and she does it in excess! Sammy = Applejack: Really y'all need I say more? Yaz = Rainbow Dash: Again need I say anything? Kenji = Pinkie Pie: The life of every party even when sad inside, prone to depression and self destructive behavior, let us not forget how far off the deep end Pinkie goes when she's sad or feels that her friends don't need her. The mane fizz or lack there of literally says it all. Ben = Fluttershy: Crippling anxiety, kindest heart out there, great with animals. Now, you know My Little Campers is a thing!
Hi!! I absolutely love your Camp Cretaceous book and I was wondering when you are going to update it again?
@enbysaurus Yikes. I would love to be the oldest but being the youngest means I got my phone earlier ( I was 7!!) And Im 13 almost 14 and I have two nieces ( I love babies!!)
@DiamondWolf44 lol opposite, I'm the oldest of five and have taken up the same role as Brand in my fic lol bills gotta get paid somehow! XD
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