
That's right folks, Time with You has been completed! Woohoooo! Although I'm glad it's finally reached it's end, I'm a bit sad that it's over vv. It had a good run though, didn't it? Thank you all for your positive comments, I hope I can one day find enough motivation to write something else for you all!


@endlesslytired I really want to know what will Temari going to do, and the shikamaru's parents what are they gonna to say to Naruto. But the fic was amazing, I can really feel every moment <3


@endlesslytired Loved it! Looking forward for the next one :)


That's right folks, Time with You has been completed! Woohoooo! Although I'm glad it's finally reached it's end, I'm a bit sad that it's over vv. It had a good run though, didn't it? Thank you all for your positive comments, I hope I can one day find enough motivation to write something else for you all!


@endlesslytired I really want to know what will Temari going to do, and the shikamaru's parents what are they gonna to say to Naruto. But the fic was amazing, I can really feel every moment <3


@endlesslytired Loved it! Looking forward for the next one :)