
You tell me that you need me,
          	Then you go and cut me down.
          	But wait.
          	You tell me that you're sorry,
          	Didn't think I'd turn around.
          	And say.
          	That it's too late to apologize.
          	It's too late.
          	I said it's too late to apologize.


this message may be offensive
-I love you. -She said
          He looked at her without any expression on his face.
          -I just...
          -Wait! -She, hurt said. -Please, no, don't tell me that you see me as a friend, it is the worst way to kill someone.
          The sigh.
          -It is that you don't even consider as a friend.
          And the world it was extinguished.


Tu & Yo
          En un concierto de One Direction
          Me besas 
          Niall nos ve
          Se pone celoso
          Te golpea
          Me lleva a la gira
          Somos novios
          Nos casamos
          Tenemos dos hijos Willyberto & Nanditas
          Te enteras que nos casamos
          Caes en depresión
          Compras nueve gatos
          Viene Harry & te los roba
          Compras cucharas para comer con helado
          Llega Liam y las quema 
          Tu helado se derite piensas que es por ti hasta que te das cuenta que la calefaccion esta prendida
           Te miras al espejo
          Llega Zayn y te dice "Alejate el espejo me ama a mi" 
          Te resignas Mueres solo
          A pos No se, piénsalo