
Currently working hard on the first chapter of BTH (finally). I've been putting it off for wayyy too long. If you're interested, I can publish the 2017/2018 version for you to read while you wait on the new one.


Hello friends! So I've been gone for... a long time...... and for that, I apologize. In my absence, however, I've been learning and getting better at writing, worldbuilding, character creation, etc. Because of this, I have been slowly rewriting BTH in my head, and I think that I'm getting to a point where I can begin writing it for real! A lot of the old plot, characters, and conflicts will be scrapped (but you never got the chance to see them, so it won't even matter) in favor of things that make more sense and feel more realistic. I'll be adding wayyy more before she even meets Terro, including more reasons as to why she has trust issues. Karno's character is either going to be replaced or completely rewritten and, without giving too much away, he'll have a son! I can't wait to share the revised version with you guys, though it'll probably take a long time for it to be finished. I've also been thinking about turning BTH into a comic- what would you think of that? Anyways, I'll be back with more updates. In the meantime, please visit my Instagram account @/jay.does.artt ! I'm more active there, and you can DM me with questions :)


Heheheheheh guys guess what
          I decided I hate how Beyond the Horizon (BTH) is going so far, so I'm rewriting it.... I'll probably post the scrapped version someday but it'll take anywhere from a few months to over a year to rewrite! Sorry


Hey! I can’t wait to start reading your new series!!


@Breyer27 Ohh you mean The Sight, right?


            what series? Sorry, I haven't been very active