California. INTP. Libra. Writer. Book fanatic. Gender Equality. OCD = CDO. Sikh. HSP. Empath. Cupcake obsessed. Food. Feminist.
  • RegistriertFebruary 26, 2015

Letzte Nachricht
enigmaticdreamerr enigmaticdreamerr Feb 26, 2015 01:07AM
Hello peoples! I'm hoping that for the few of you who actually end up on this profile, and follow me just for the sake of you feeling pity, actually look over my stories and enjoy them! Some of them...
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Geschichten von enigmaticdreamerr
The Introverted Extrovert von enigmaticdreamerr
The Introverted Extrovert
Out of the 16 personality types, the enfp seems to be the paradox. One day, she can be her regular self that...
Unicorn Tears von enigmaticdreamerr
Unicorn Tears
A personal collection of my poetry. The poetry that has helped me to express the emotions that have been buri...
+2 mehr
The Search for Tranquility von enigmaticdreamerr
The Search for Tranquility
Daphne Harlow used to be the girl who was loud and full of insanity which made her quite the charmer. Looking...
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