
          	I'm in the mist of writing chapter 8 but I just don't have the motivation for this shit
          	The days I post are going to be jumbled up. Sorry to disappoint. I'm not going to make anymore promises cause I never keep them lmfao.
          	Let's hope chapter 8 comes out soon


          I'm in the mist of writing chapter 8 but I just don't have the motivation for this shit
          The days I post are going to be jumbled up. Sorry to disappoint. I'm not going to make anymore promises cause I never keep them lmfao.
          Let's hope chapter 8 comes out soon


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Guys I'm sorry for not posting yesterday. School is just so hectic with my coming up assessments and my dumb ass is leaving it till last minute to complete it
          I'm currently working on 5 assessments that were given last term and doing it now. I might post 2 chapters on Sunday to make up for Wednesday. 
          Anyways enjoy y'alls day cause it's 12pm and I'm not enjoying mine


School holidays are finishing so Im not sure if my posting days will be as accurate as before. I don't have specific times I post as well but they usually are at night!
          I'll probably make the chapter before hand and post it on Wednesday just so it sticks.
          Reminder: Wednesdays and Sundays are my posting days for the chapters!