
I might reformat my poetry collection, I’ve been reading more poetry and gotdamn the amount of ads after reading for two literal seconds and then there’s a crazy long ad before I can read for another two seconds. Thoughts? 


@apollosvagabond Like I’m thinking maybe it might be a little better if I put poems of the same sort of tone or theme all in one chapter, but separated, rather than one poem per “chapter” if that makes sense? 


I didn’t think about that, I’ll try to figure it out on my computer



Thank you so much, I hope you have a speedy recovery ❤️❤️❤️


Hey! I’m actually reading Kalliope right now!! I love divine-inspired poetry and poetry about the gods. I’m a bit slow reading at the moment due to health issues and hospital stays, but I’m getting there and already love the poems I’ve read so far! 


Ok so I have a Witcher 3 fanfiction that’s about 60,000 words long sitting in an old Wattpad account. I might move it over here to this account, but it is also unfinished at this time. It’s one that I genuinely threw my back into as far as plot and just kinda got stuck eventually, so I don’t know if it’ll ever get finished but I don’t want to just leave it on my old account to die. Thoughts?