I'm really excited about this new book I'm starting! I just want to write and write and write! For those who are wondering Problematic Ambition will be be updated soon. :)
Hi! I loved what you posted so far on your story "Problematic Ambition" and I just posted my own. I was wondering if maybe you would be willing to check it out? It would mean the world to me!
I'm really excited about this new book I'm starting! I just want to write and write and write! For those who are wondering Problematic Ambition will be be updated soon. :)
@americanflower hi I'm glad you do..I'm terrible at the whole updating thing but I think you may have encouraged me to update them..I'm going to a racing yard this week so I'll have ideas for jockey girl :)
...I think my book 'Dont Forget Where You Belong' should be called 'dafuq where you been' cause I haven't updated that in Sooo long! I'm sorry to all who read it..I just got writers block and it sucks :( x
@csarkis life would be so much easier! my friends at school were asking me what I got for Xmas and I named out things for the horses and they looked at me funny haha