
Hiii l just wanted to say that l love ur stories  especially the assasin one and l have a question. More like a request. So l LOVE SIRIUS AGNST so l would be thrilled if you would write that. And abt the assasin one. Could there be a scene where Sirius gets a BIG panick attack and Remus calms him down BC now tgey are friends( but they both crush on eachother) and could you also write a scene where they are fighting some bad guys and tgey all kill them. But one of them turns out to be alive and armed with a gun witch he point at Remus but Sisius steps in front of the bullet blacking it. He survives, love confession and a happy ever after


@Polish_girl_bookstam ahhh thank you so much!! yes I'll see what I can do once I've finished my wip,  but it might take a while haha! thank you for all the kind words!