
oh   ,    god   .    * the   fight   is   over   —   some   newbie   villain    that    had    been   a    damn    PAIN    in    reiji’s   ass   for   . . .   this   one   day   ,   just   repeated   a    few   times   ,    had   finally   been   captured    successfully   .   well   ,   sure    there    was    still    damage    done    and    reiji    himself    wasn’t    in    the    best    shape    ,    but    he    didn’t    seem    to    mind    .    / hell /   ,    his    first    reaction    wasn’t    even   to    worry    about     himself    .    rather    ,    he    turned    to    aizawa     ,    lips    curled     into     a    faint    frown    as    his    gaze    flickered     over    them    . *    you’re    hurt    .    i’m    —     really    sorry    ,    eraser   .    * god    he    hated    using    aizawa’s    hero    name    ,    but    for    now   ?    it    was    necessary   .    sure    ,    they    were    away    from    the     prying    press     as    police    officials    gave    their    own    statements    ,    but    who     knew    what    snooping    quirks    the    others    had    .    better    safe    than    sorry   . *    i    really     didn’t    want    you    to    get    hurt    but    —    i     just    ,     it    was    a    momentary    distraction    and     their    moves    changed    slightly    from    last    time    .    and   i    couldn’t     stop     it    in     time    .     * already    he    was    blaming    himself    for    things    he    couldn’t     have    prevented    —    but    he    always    did   .     he’d    experienced    this    fight    before    ,    as    indicated    by    the     small    reminder     of    his    grim    quirk    .    he    should’ve    been    more    prepared    .     but    he     wasn’t    . *    come   to    my     place    and    you    can    get    cleaned    up    .    please   ?


you’re    making     yourself    sound    old   .     * he   casts    a    smile    in     their    direction    ,    clearly    just    teasing    them    as    he    so    often     did   . *    hey    ,    don’t    be    mean   .   yanno    ,    i    got    a    roommate    i’m    sure    you’ll    adore    and    it’ll    be    mean    if    you    leave    early   .    * just   as    that    sentence    is    finished    ,    he’s    turning    to    an    apartment    building    —    wandering    up     it’s    steps    before    opening    the    door    for    aizawa *    after    you    .


@redonedays  ; ;   drama queen  ?   eh  ,   close enough to a whole decade .  not my fault you're a baby  .  *  the corner of his lips tug into a sort of amused smile although it doesn't last for long  .  following dutifully beside them  ,   aizawa had half the mind to tell them to slow down but to be honest  ,  the faster they got there the faster he could go to sleep   .  god  ,  he was tired  *   don't make it sound like some high school sleep over  .  i'll just spend the night and leave in the morning  .  


it’s    not     even     a     whole    decade    ,    drama    queen   .    * he    lightly    scoffs    in    disbelief    ,    accompanied    by    a    slight    shake     of     his     head    .    he    turns    down     another    side    street    that    was    lined     with    small    apartment    buildings    ,    his    pace    quickening    in    an    excited    manner    as     his     apartment    grew    rapidly    closer    . *    oh    ?    ‘course    !     i’ll    cook    for    you    in    the    morning    ,    too    .     it’ll    be    fun    .


aizawa    —     always     an     absolute     / pleasure /   .    what    brings     you     to     my     office    ?


i    don’t     think     kids     would     find     it      that     interesting    .     * he     hummed     softly    ,     recklessly    tossing     the     calendar     back      into      the     drawer *     i’m     guessing     its     something     for     training     them    ,     right    ?


@redonedays  ; ;   am i  ?  take it as a compliment then  .  you're welcome  .   *  eyes flicker aimlessly around the office before falling back onto the other  ,  a sort of look of triumph fixing his features   *  knew you'd agree  .  just meet me at U.A  ,  the field trip isn't anything special so i'll explain everything tomorrow  .  


you’re    giving     me     and     my     quirk     too     much     credit    .     * for    a     moment    ,     he     releases     a     short     sigh     and     digs     through     his     desk     drawers     to     pull     out     a     calendar *    tomorrow    ?    ehh    . . .     yeah    ,     i’ll     get     someone     to     cover     for     me    .