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Heya Vic, Ta heaps for finding me and Home Is You. Comments, innuendoes....you got em....I'll take em :) If I've entertained you then that's made my day. Thanks for loving Nate, I do too. She's silly, flawed and human. Just the kind of human I hope will still b around at the end of the world. Wherever u r today, have an awesome one. Totally pissing with rain here in Perth :) Onya!
@ cantgettosleep I loved the book! Sorry for the late reply, I was busy reading It was almost 7 AM here, I'd been reading all night and I have an assignment due midnight so I had to get some sleep. It's got great writing and I genuinely feel like you got the characters right, except a little creative freedom with Beth I'm very excited for the next one. I really don't think wattpad is helping my insomnia, especially when I find great stories like yours!