hey guys. i know this is extremely late but i feel like it’s an important topic to discuss; especially when some people don’t have access to resources that could aid them in any shape or form.
National Suicide Prevention Month is in September. Suicide is a topic that many people refuse to discuss in modern society, not just because it’s quite an emotional subject- it’s extremely controversial and can cause an uproar of debate. However, because many people don’t want to talk about suicide, this can often make suicidal people feel like they can’t get help;their emotions are invalid;their emotions are something that only they experience. And I just wanted to reassure everyone, that that is not the case. At all.
Resources are always available- and i understand that people may feel it is not efficient, but there are always some alternatives.
There are people out there, that love and care for you deeply, even if you may not realise it.
I’m going to take the opportunity to remind everyone that my DM’s are always open.
Here are some of my social media platforms in case anyone would like to talk to me about anything:
-IG- taniaqueefs
-discord- myheartisyours#7352
-snapchat - tangheluta2019 (yes my username is cringe-worthy)
I love every single one of you <3