
that awkward moment when a week without writing turns into an unplanned year long hiatus and then you check on your book and you’ve hit 500k reads :O
          	i’m incredibly sorry to keep anyone waiting BUT the final chapter of ambition is out. shortish epilogue to follow this week and then it is officially over. no I am not crying over it (yes i am)
          	i love u all so incredibly much


@erenslaeger nice to have you back, Olivia! I hope your time away was good !
          	  Can't wait to sink my teeth into the chapter, it's so sad to finally finish it I can't believe how far you've come starting that fic! That was like peak wattpad oh my God, you and my starting our stories together *sobs like an old woman*
          	  Misty <3


I’m so incredibly sad that it’s finally over 


Love u! Thanks for updating and we can cry together 


that awkward moment when a week without writing turns into an unplanned year long hiatus and then you check on your book and you’ve hit 500k reads :O
          i’m incredibly sorry to keep anyone waiting BUT the final chapter of ambition is out. shortish epilogue to follow this week and then it is officially over. no I am not crying over it (yes i am)
          i love u all so incredibly much


@erenslaeger nice to have you back, Olivia! I hope your time away was good !
            Can't wait to sink my teeth into the chapter, it's so sad to finally finish it I can't believe how far you've come starting that fic! That was like peak wattpad oh my God, you and my starting our stories together *sobs like an old woman*
            Misty <3


I’m so incredibly sad that it’s finally over 


Love u! Thanks for updating and we can cry together 


It’s been a year since you last posted. I hope you’re doing okay and school is going well for you 


@erenslaeger awe okay.  It was nice talking to people who were weird like me 


@_JunePurr_ - its not actually we discontinued it!! 


@erenslaeger you’re alive! lol. I’m knew you were going to med school or something.m that took up your time. But I was worried. I’m glad you’re okay. I hope school is going well for you. 
            Is that discord channel still available? 