
WOO! big big big HME update today :) Hope you guys love this chapter. Y/N dad reveal i'm curious how many people knew who it was from the beginning. 
          	Also! Prima update will be next week. I'm going to start updating one story every week and meant to go back to Prima this week but I'm stoked to be writing HME again so here we are.. 
          	ANYWAYS - hope you guys enjoy :) <3


WOO! big big big HME update today :) Hope you guys love this chapter. Y/N dad reveal i'm curious how many people knew who it was from the beginning. 
          Also! Prima update will be next week. I'm going to start updating one story every week and meant to go back to Prima this week but I'm stoked to be writing HME again so here we are.. 
          ANYWAYS - hope you guys enjoy :) <3


Hi! Hope everyone has been enjoying Prima. I'm really excited to be sharing this one. I've been working on it behind the scenes for a while now. Fun fact about me I've done ballet my entire life so this story is pretty near and dear to my heart with some of it paralleling to my life. ANYWAY! I hope you all enjoy. Ch.4 is now live :)


Hi friendsssssssssss <3
          I’ve been in such a slump in HME and Love Lost, so I did the (unreasonable) thing and started a new story lol. I already have almost all of it written SO at least we know there WILL be new chapters weekly starting tomorrow night!! Hope you guys love <3 


@kirschteinsmaid you always make my heart so happy! I’ll be posting it tonight and weekly’s will start coming out on Fridays!! 


@erenyeagersdeathnote "unreasonable thing" I'm dead. It's never unreasonable. I spend all of my time daydreaming and creating new fics and layouts when I should be writing others. I'm excited


Hi, hi, hi! Checking if all is good because I remembered I hadn't from you in a while, I hope everything with you is well <3


@kirschteinsmaid yes :) my little boy is my bestie! But Tysm you sweet sweet soul you are the kindest <3 I’m so glad to hear things are well with you and I’m happy to be back! 


@erenyeagersdeathnote OMG YOU'RE A MUM!?!? I'm so happy for you omg, you're life is really coming together, I wish you the best of the luck with your schooling and your family *kith, kith* but yes things are well with me and I am very excited for new chapters, it makes me happy to see you're doing all right <33


Hi you sweet Angel!! Yes I am okay things have been crazy over here. I have a baby and he just turned one and we bought a house so it has been madness over here! I’m also working full time and going back to school for my doctorate!m. That being said, I have new chapters coming next weekend :) hope lol is well with you too <3


Hi hello sorry I haven’t updated in a while. I’ve been going through some health issues mentally, physically, emotionally BUT things are on the up and up and I’m feeling a little better so I want to try to do some writing and get some quality chapters out to you guys <3 updates to come either for love lost or hme soon I promise! Thanks for bearing with me and being patient <3


@kirschteinsmaid you are so kind <3 this means so much thank you! I will be back soon 


@erenyeagersdeathnote oh no. I hope things improve. Don't worry, we'll always patiently wait. focus on getting better <333