I just realized that most of my friends actually care about me and I don’t care that much about most of them, but despite that, all I feel is indifference. So what my friends don’t invite me, is it because I don’t ever text them? Or do I never text them because they never text me? I have no idea, but I haven’t cried, but I don’t feel relieved. I think I only really hate one of my friends and I only really love three of them. It’s a little disorienting to know that those people I cared about so much over school aare the same ones where it hasn’t even been a month away from them for me to notice how much I don’t miss them, along with the reciprocation of that back at me. Did I ever care about them or did I only care because I wanted something to care about? Did I never text because I didn’t know how to start a conversation or because I didn’t want to try to even figure it out?
Also I scrapped the book I started a while back. I’m writing something new to be a little more fun, a touch more personal (but not like a sob story or anything) and I’m almost done with the first chapter! I also realized that if some DMs me on here then I have access to editing and publishing stories so, now that I can access that feel free to DM me