
Hi there lol. I apologise for being dead for almost 3 years. A lot of stuff happened and things weren’t working out for me well from last year. Thank you for being with me from when I was Sec 1, 2016, thank you. (And reading stupid plot haha)
          	 For y’all Singaporeans, this stupid kid got retained at Sec 3. This kid broke down. This kid met a friend one year younger than her in 2019. Whose depression is serious. (mental pain) Graduation. Friends had to leave. 
          	But of course, all these are simply normal.
          	 We can get through this, right? Yes. This is just an obstacle for a sixteen year old. With many other obstacles waiting, I am unsure of the future. However, with confidence, effort, and determination, we can go through anything. 
          	And I know, whatever difficulties you go through, you can do it. 
          	I don’t even know if i learnt it the hard way. Is it hard? Depends on people’s point of view. :)
          	Reading your comments from my email made me happy. (I lost my acc until today lol)
          	I sincerely thank all my readers out there.
          	Thank you, once again.


@eriarun also regarding that kid, if i ever see him irl, be hecking sure i will deliver my thick ass slaps


@eriarun idk wat else but uh W slay girlboss gatekeep gaslight for still being here and not rejecting life despite how tough it is LMAO


@eriarun Our paths may not have passed then but I'm so proud of you for overcoming the obstacles along your way and remaining resilient throughout. If I we had met sooner, I would have definitely still chose you as a friend and be there for you just like now. Life is short and many things are temporary but so are the obstacles. What is eternal is the connections, memories and experiences you forge along the way


Hi there lol. I apologise for being dead for almost 3 years. A lot of stuff happened and things weren’t working out for me well from last year. Thank you for being with me from when I was Sec 1, 2016, thank you. (And reading stupid plot haha)
           For y’all Singaporeans, this stupid kid got retained at Sec 3. This kid broke down. This kid met a friend one year younger than her in 2019. Whose depression is serious. (mental pain) Graduation. Friends had to leave. 
          But of course, all these are simply normal.
           We can get through this, right? Yes. This is just an obstacle for a sixteen year old. With many other obstacles waiting, I am unsure of the future. However, with confidence, effort, and determination, we can go through anything. 
          And I know, whatever difficulties you go through, you can do it. 
          I don’t even know if i learnt it the hard way. Is it hard? Depends on people’s point of view. :)
          Reading your comments from my email made me happy. (I lost my acc until today lol)
          I sincerely thank all my readers out there.
          Thank you, once again.


@eriarun also regarding that kid, if i ever see him irl, be hecking sure i will deliver my thick ass slaps


@eriarun idk wat else but uh W slay girlboss gatekeep gaslight for still being here and not rejecting life despite how tough it is LMAO


@eriarun Our paths may not have passed then but I'm so proud of you for overcoming the obstacles along your way and remaining resilient throughout. If I we had met sooner, I would have definitely still chose you as a friend and be there for you just like now. Life is short and many things are temporary but so are the obstacles. What is eternal is the connections, memories and experiences you forge along the way


Guys, please help support my new story by voting, Boku Yes Pico the fanfiction-the opposite of Boku No Pico! Pleash~? People who rewatch Boku No Pico should deserve a reward. Like seriously. Applaud to those who actually rewatch it!