My name is Eric O'Malley. I'm currently 15 so don't judge if my novels aren't the best. I enjoy writing novels, but they all usually have a dark mood. Sorry about that I'm not too good at the happier kind of stuff. And I'm kind of into psychology so I'm going to try and put some of that into my novels. I'll do the best research I can.
I'm also such a geek. Like the whole superhero Marvel, DC thing. I am also really into The Walking Dead, such a good show and comic book series
I enjoyed reading the Harry Potter series, the Hobbit, Illuminae, Ready Player One and the Percy Jackson Series.
If I'm not reading or writing, I'm watching a great movie.
- Not Telling You
- RegistriertJuly 14, 2016
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Geschichte von Erik O'Malley
- 1 veröffentlichte Geschichte

The Fall of An Empire
3 Men controlling a City as 1.
Who better to take back a city of criminals, than two criminals.
After finding...