
@ArcticPaul thanks haha :) I'm sure your pretty awesome if you like all three


Hey, Erin Smith I'm lildonutz and I also create scripts with my best friend and we would love if you could check out our script All This World Could Give by WafflesNDonutz and yeah we would love for some feedback on what we could change and stuff so please feel free to check it out bro


@LilDonuts_24 I’m so sorry I stumbled across your page accidentally but you ever had a sugar baby ?


I love your book scripts! it is actually the only one by you that I've read. but I just added more of your work to my library :* you're one of my favourites :D I'm starting a Doctor Who ff on my account and... I don't know about it! ;-; if you could check it out and just read the only thing that is up (the prolouge) and give feedback or tips it would be awesome! :) 
          love you XD