
I published my new story.
          	It’s about a girl called Leah and it’s basically her life as Marjoreeces adopted kid.


Hey guys! 
          I’m posting this message on all my books and here.
          I’m taking a break for a bit because my mental health is getting worse and I just need to focus on myself. It is also causing me to have no energy to write. Any chapters posted on any of my books until further notice are pre written so posts will be irregular.
          Hope yous are all doing okay though!


@erintnn_writesxx take as much time as you need x there’s no rush xx


@tnnnfanfic thanks ml I’ll be okay I think but I just need to take time to myself then I’ll be fine again hopefully x


I’m always heee wow you ml x I how your ok xx


I want to resurface this from one of my chapters from “hidden secrets” that was purely for awareness but if you read the bottom of the chapter there is a few helplines for eating disorders :
          If you are in the UK I have a few numbers and websites for you.
          You can text SHOUT to 85258. Their website is 
          Any time and any date.
          Runaway Helpline are available from 9am until 11pm. You can call or text 116 000  or  you can visit their website 
          Eating Disorder Support Helpline are available from 8am till 11pm. You can call them on 01494 793223 or visit their website
          Childline is available for any child up until their 19th birthday. They can be contacted any time on any day. You can call 0800 1111 or visit their website for support where you can also find an online chat if you don't like phone calls. 
          If you aren’t UK based or you are and just want it for a different reason I recommend this website as it has all helplines in it and you can choose your location, your reason for looking for a helpline and it’ll narrow it done for you and put the most used helplines at the top and the less used ones at the bottom so it’s organised better for you.
          My dms are open aswell if anyone would rather message me (TikTok: @erinstnn.xx) (Insta: @erinstnn.xx) (Snapchat: @erin.xx457) 


Hey x I followed your tiktok, is it private?